Department of Tourism of Khanh Hoa Province

Khanh Hoa Tourism Portal

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Khanh Hoa Tourism - Trade Promotion Center

Tel          : (84-58) 829357/826713
Address  : 61 Yersin Str., Nha Trang City

Tel          : (84-58) 829357/826713

Fax         : (84-58) 829357
Email      :

Khanh Hoa Tourism - Trade Promotion Center is an administrative, affiliated to Khanh Hoa Department of Cuture, Sport and Tourism established by Decision No. 2822/2001/QĐ - UB dated 20/08/2001 by Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee.

The Centers main functions and responsibilities are to develop the activities promoting the trade, propagate tourism, support related enterprises in Khanh Hoa, and provide information in local tourism and trade to domestic and foreign tourists.

After 4 years of operation, the Center has advanced step by step in reinforcing its prestige and creating a good relationship with State-management agencies, tourist and trade businesses inside and outside the province through promotional tasks such as fairs, exhibitions, promotional management, information supplies, human resources training, to serve the enterprises and the tourist promotional activities, as well as contributing to developing political, cultural, and social activities in the locality.

The Center has been assigned by the Peoples Committee of the province and Khanh Hoa Department of Cuture, Sport and Tourism the task of establishing and directly managing  the website of the local tourism sector at and, as well as the map of e-tourism of Nha Trang City at

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